O roses roses, the roses that i scorn,
of perilous love and bloody thorns.
Yet every metaphor, before their beauty, speechless became,
Embrace embrace, fondle i will, these deadly roses;
Every mimosa, in her radiance, cries in shame,
To death, To death, bleed i will, for her divine kisses.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Time is passing so quickly its starting to frighten me; it has nearly been half a month since my last entry, and it barely felt like yesterday. I am contemplating whether i should keep this entry as quiet as it can be, or like before, announce its imminent arrival, even before i commence on the entry. Well that can wait till i actually complete this entry. I wonder who will discover the entry first lol. Im choosing to do this on notepad and since im using slightly higher resolution than most others, it's probably going to take some time before i realise the actual length of it on other more conventional resolution/screen size configurations. Ok i hope its not getting technical to anyone just yet:

Because more technology updates is going to follow heh. Recently i just switched from mozilla firefox 2.0 to the new IE 7.0 build; well perhaps not exactly switching to but returning to that old browswer. It now has most, if not all of the functions that mozilla firefox used to have that attracted me to it. Tabbed browsing, rss, a better favourites system, password managers while still having some distinct features of the old IE that had me glued to it way before the existence of mozilla.

The two paragraphs above this, you see them? They were written aproximately four times twenty four- 96 hours ago. I had a rather peculiar sensation at that time; i was about an hour away from the time im supposed to leave my house for whatever reason i can not possibly recall now, and that WEIRD (not wierd LOL) sensation like just totally compelled me to write something like right away to quench the extreme impulse at the point of time. I merely wrote what was on my mind, and it took only a couple of mins, despite my renowned tradition of acute rumination of everything i process in my mind before i confirm the completion of a new paragraph, or entry. This practice of mine, dad says its commendable, because it is exactly this delicate process that entices people, why, i hope you know i meant intellectual people(heh) to read and feel the experience for themselves the very labour put into a simple post; even if it was a single liner - and thus i shalt love, to some it may seem to them just another phrase that makes no sense, yet if you are close enough to the author of that particular line, you would naturally be able to feel very precisely what he felt as he wrote the single liner, be it the bitter agony or the fondness of tender love.

By now you would probably have realised the glaring discontinuity and the poor transitions between each paragraph; well you should have. i've written almost every paragraph on a different day, first 4 days apart, then several hours, then a day apart again. I will have to just end this in its premature form; it is indeed far from completion but because so much has happened in this brief period of a week that it isn't mentally possible for me to reenact the situation in my mind, for the purpose of reproducing the exact emotional status that i was immersed in, during that time frame of the incidents, and thus rendering it rather pointless to narrate since it will be an absolute void of emotions, elation or anguish alike. Besides, i don't like
narration. But to represent these days with a phrase? Its been a roller coaster ride, and one without safety belts. Yet, now, at this very second, i am at the pinnacle of joy. (: Carpe Diem indeed! My love, shalt we seize the day and enjoy this raptured bliss between us?

i'll build a bridge, and if it takes eternity, then eternity it shall be.

posted by Homan on Monday, January 15, 2007